Sandrino's WEBSITE


This is my personal website, this website is mainly used for personal projects and ideas. We see what the future brings.

27/04/2024: Finding possible permutations of an array
11/02/2024: Design Patter: Strategy
17/12/2023: How to abuse ARP (Work in progress)
10/12/2023: C++ Rule of Five (Work in progress)
26/11/2023: From Python to Rust: Elevating My Blog's Performance
17/09/2023: C++ Understanding Pointers
11/09/2023: C++ Rvalues references and move semantics Part 2
07/09/2023: C++ Data Structures - Linked List
04/09/2023: C++ Rvalues references and move semantics Part 1
03/09/2023: C++ Rvalues and Lvalues simple explanation
21/08/2023: HTB Oopsie machine
22/03/2023: Setting up TLS for my Blog - Old version
22/03/2023: Arena Allocator - Basic implementation
18/03/2023: This post is my Birtday post it is also a little bit about Rust(is blazingly fast) and my Bachelor work
15/09/2022: Todo list for my Http Server implemented in C++. This is a old post

I need to get rid of that Work in progress points... I really should finish that