Sandrino's WEBSITE


Title: "Birthday Reflections: Celebrating Growth in Rust and Data Science"

Date: "2023-03-18"

Birthday Celebration!

Today marks another year in my journey, and what better way to celebrate than with a blog post? I also want to take a moment to reflect on where I stand and set my sights on areas for improvement before my next birthday.

Rust Adventure

Initially, I embarked on creating my own HTTP server in C++. The project aimed to deepen my understanding of servers, HTTP, and enhance my C++ skills. After reaching a stable state with the server, capable of handling HTTP 1.1, featuring a simple route handler, and serving static files, I felt it was time to transition to something new. That's when I chose Rust for a more serious exploration. The blog you're currently reading is powered by Rust in the backend, thanks to the Rocket framework. Rust is not just a backend tool; I'm also working on a script related to my job, opting to use Rust for the challenge it presents.

Bachelor's Journey

This year holds the promise of obtaining my Bachelor's degree in Data Science. My research revolves around "Optimizing Efficiency and Maintenance Scheduling in Automated Warehouses: A Data-Driven Approach using Statistical Analysis and Machine Learning." How can we leverage data on shuttle movements and orders in an automated warehouse to identify bottlenecks and predict maintenance needs? That's the intriguing question I aim to answer.

Note: Despite my earlier comments, I'll keep you posted on my Rust journey and my progress with my bachelor's work.

P.S. I successfully passed my Bachelor exam. P.P.S. The C++ server is undergoing a rewrite, and the lessons learned from the first attempt have been addressed.

Thank you for being a part of my journey!